About Us

Aquaponics is a blogwebsite initiated by the London Aquaponics Association. The London Aquaponics Association has the following goals:

  • Be a platform for admirers of fish tanks and aquaponic solutions, as well as people who has an exceptional interest in fish, fish tanks, aquariums and aquaponics.
  • Inform the community about new trends, news, events and other types on information that they might be interested in.
  • Provide a blog platform on which the board and members of the association are welcome to post blogs and comments.
  • But also to provide a platform for non-members to post about interesting topics. Please contact the board with a blog proposal.
  • Inform the community about new innovative techniques, devices and appliances that the community might be interested in.

This website is to be the centre of the community.

Please contact us in case you have any questions.

The board of the London Aquaponics Association.